The Remote Control - Delivering Your Competitions

Delivering Your Competition

Now it's time to drop this competition into your class. Before the class starts, you'll use the Ipad designated to run the Stages comps, and log into your account at Once logged in, you're in what we call the 'Remote Control'.

As you can see in the picture above, there is a menu icon in the upper right corner. When you click on that, it gives you the menu you'll need to choose your 'Competition'.

Once you've clicked 'Competitions', you'll see your library of comps pop up. Choose the one you want by click the small box at the top right of the comp and 'Add to Class'.

Once you've added it to your class, simply press 'start class' when your class starts and then pause the competition. (You won't have the screens on anyway).

Why do I need to press start? The 'Start Class' begins the data collection for all the riders in your class. It's imperative to start the class so the system knows to begin collecting the information that the riders will receive in their post-workout email summary.

When you are ready to run your competition, turn on the screens and press play. Depending on how many seconds you put in your first 'rest' interval, you may have a bit of a countdown before the first competition.

Please note that you will not see the competition running on the IPad/tablet you're using. You'll be seeing individual riders' gauges, which are not seen by the riders. Glance up at the main screens regularly throughout the competitions to coach and cue accordingly.

After each competition is complete, the results (the average cumulative watts) will display on the screen.

After the final competition, the screen will show the results of each interval and a cumulative score.

Once the final rest interval is complete, the screen will go blank.

That's it! Have fun and go team Cyclebar!

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